Local Link-Building Tactics for SME Clients


Google highlights that ‘near me’ searches are increasing by 500% every year. In addition, over 86% of people use Google to search for information related to local businesses. If you want your client’s business to be found online by local consumers, you must propel their content to the top of relevant search results. And embracing the power of link building for local SEO is a proven way to help your clients climb the SERP ladder.

What is Local SEO Link Building?

Link building involves acquiring ‘incoming links,’ ‘inbound links,’ or ‘backlinks’ from other websites back to the client’s to drive traffic to their site. For local SEO, you must obtain inbound links from relevant local businesses.
Local link-building targets improved visibility in organic local search results. It focuses on drawing in organic traffic from local consumers more likely to convert. For more information, consult the experts at Rocket Driver. The white-label digital marketing agency has helped many marketers excel at achieving matchless results for clients.

Local Link-Building Benefits

One of the primary reasons to focus on link building is that Google considers the number of incoming links a website has when determining the page rank. The more the number of quality links, the better the chances of your client’s website scoring top tanking.

Moreover, the first five organic search results get nearly 67% of all clicks, which is another local link-building benefit you shouldn’t miss. You can successfully drive qualified traffic to the client’s website, resulting in increased chances of conversions because these targeted people are often serious about moving forward in the purchase journey.
Local SEO link-building is also beneficial when it comes to building a brand’s online visibility organically. On average, it takes eight brand impressions before anyone is colloquially convinced to take action. Thus, improved brand visibility will help nurture prospects for your clients.

Proven Strategies for Local SEO Link-Building


#1- Leverage Barnacle SEO

Search the relevant phrases in the search engine and list sites that show up in the SERP. While you cannot get links from most competitors, it’s easy to get rinks from directory-type and aggregator sites that rank high.

Research shows that about 98% of people read online reviews about local companies, with 86% placing a high value on star ratings. Manual outreach to get listed on relevant local websites is an easy and quick way to ensure the client is in the consideration set.  

#2- Get PR Links with Special Promotions and Events

Sourcing local link-building opportunities to build and increase brand awareness and visibility is possible with contests, workshops, charity fundraisers, and other special campaigns or events. You can also offer seasonal discounts or product demos free of cost!
Advertise on relevant social media platforms and other outlets based on the consumer demographic. But considering 88% of people above 50 and 97% of young adults check social media every day, don’t miss the chance of reaching out through online platforms.

You can also draft press releases with key details and URLs for backlinks. But make sure to add relevant keywords to the press release as well.

#3- Craft Locally Relevant Content

Demand Gen report shows 60% of people engage with blogs on a website in the early stages of the conversion process. Identify relevant topics your client’s target audience will be most interested in. Then plan, create, and publish locally relevant, valuable content that helps the audience see your client’s business as an authority in the niche.

You can share this type of content across social media platforms to improve visibility, traffic, and engagement. When others find the content useful, they’ll not only re-share but also link back to it.

Pitching them to link roundups is also a great idea because authors are always on the lookout for great content that deserves to be featured. If the content is high quality, there’s a good chance they’ll offer backlinking and listing opportunities.

Local Link Building

#4- Do Not Forget About Internal Links

Make sure to include internal linking in the content strategy. It’s a great way to serve up relevant content to prospects. Engagement increases when they spend longer on your client’s website.

Internal linking offers many other benefits. They count as local links to content and help search engine crawlers to understand the web structure, including the relationship and relevance of pages. It’s a surefire way to ensure Google finds and ranks all relevant content, which will be beneficial when it comes to ranking in local SERPs.

Moreover, internal links also help you establish value for new content without requiring significant effort. So basically, you lend value from certain posts to other content through a process known as the flow of link value.

Need extra hands to help clients reap local link-building benefits to the fullest? Consult the professionals at white-label reseller agencies like Rocket Driver. They offer a wide range of world-class solutions with access to cutting-edge white-label agency tools to help boost the local rankings of businesses no matter what sector or part of the world they belong to.

Watch this video to gain insights into the benefits you can expect when you partner with Rocket Driver.

Their partners rave about the state-of-the-art AI-driven, automated tools that were developed carefully to help agencies scale like Fortune 500 companies. The white-label digital marketing agency offers convenient access to highly qualified experts who use the latest software and best practices to provide top-notch services.

Start a white-label partnership for sales funnel marketing, social media management, SMS marketing, listing optimization, website design, graphic design, SEO, content marketing, copywriting, and other digital marketing solutions.

Call now to advance past your competitors with the help of a leading white-label outsourcing agency in NYC. Get ready to enjoy improved profitability that will pave the way for business expansion and many more perks!

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