Perfecting Your PPC Strategy for the Holiday Season

A customer purchasing holiday gifts online

The holiday season is quickly approaching. Customers will flock to brick-and-mortar stores and online E-commerce websites in droves. If your agency’s struggling to adjust to the holiday season marketing frenzy, consider getting white label marketing solutions from Rocket Driver.

 Statistics show that US holiday retail sales are expected to reach $1.3 trillion this year, and E-commerce stores will also witness a significant bump, rising to $236 billion –  a 15.5 percent increase over last year.

The holiday shopping spree is real, and businesses don’t want to miss out on this lucrative period to maximize their profits. As a result, they’ll start rolling out comprehensive marketing programs in the months leading up to Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s.

There’s also Cyber Week to consider, which undoubtedly will cause price-conscious shoppers to search for good deals. Last year, Cyber Week, a five-day period from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, generated over $36.4 billion in revenue.  

This period also puts pressure on marketing agencies to deliver. Your clients won’t be satisfied if the marketing campaigns you created don’t provide fruitful results.

Most digital marketing agencies use several channels to help their clients get the word out about eye-catching deals, discounts, and offers. But as the holiday season approaches, the need for immediate results intensifies, and that’s where a well-crafted PPC campaign becomes essential.

Research shows that PPC advertisement campaigns can increase brand awareness by up to 80 percent. In addition, consumers are 70 percent more likely to buy your client’s products or services if you use retargeting.

As a result, you’ll want to ensure you have a holiday PPC strategy ready to assist your client get more sales this holiday season.

If your agency doesn’t provide PPC services, you’re neglecting a valuable channel to help your clients get traffic and sales. If that’s the case, consider getting white label PPC services from an industry leader like Rocket Driver. The organization also offers numerous other white label marketing solutions, including White Label SEO and White Label Content Marketing, that might prove beneficial for your agency in helping clients achieve their marketing objectives.

Devising a holiday PPC strategy that outperforms other businesses’ PPC strategies might seem challenging. But utilizing the correct approach can help you generate excellent results for your client.

Evaluate last year’s results

It’s important to evaluate last holiday season’s PPC campaign performance and results if you’ve worked with a client long enough. Evaluate which channels and campaign types worked well. Similarly, you’ll also want to assess which audiences were most receptive to your ads and which promotions generated the most sales.

Revisiting the last holiday season’s results also helps you identify areas for improvement.

Allocate enough budget

The holiday season represents a greater opportunity to generate clicks, impressions, and conversions through PPC ads. But there’s a caveat. The fierce competition also means more marketers and businesses are placing bids for keywords, making advertising more expensive. It’s important to convince your client to allocate enough budget so your agency can provide the best results.  

Determining the appropriate budget for holiday season PPCs is challenging. Consider evaluating results from previous holiday seasons if you’ve worked with your client long enough. Assessing past performance will help you determine how much budget you need to maintain an effective impression share rate.

In addition, various other factors will also affect the necessary budget, like the campaign’s duration, the current bid price, the average position your client wants to attain, etc.

Target holiday keywords

Creating effective PPC campaigns requires targeting holiday keywords, which many marketers neglect. Holiday PPC campaigns must focus on different keywords than regular PPC campaigns because it makes it easier to turn impressions into conversions. For instance, an individual searching for stocking Christmas gifts for toddlers is likely searching for Christmas gifts, meaning they’ll be more likely to click on advertisements if they find them appealing.

Similarly, people might also search for “New Year’s gifts for friends,” which is another keyword you should target because these people are willing consumers searching for the right product.

Target gift-givers

It’s important to understand that targeting audiences for the holiday season differs from other times of the year. Most people purchasing products and services this season aren’t doing so for themselves. Instead, these gifts are for friends, family members, and significant others.

Buying gifts for yourself is easy because you know what you want, but it becomes infinitely harder when purchasing for others, especially if they haven’t dropped subtle hints. As a result,  you’ll want to ensure your PPC advertisements convince the audience to purchase your client’s products because their loved ones will like them.

You’ll want to select the correct type of adverts to convince customers to purchase your client’s products. Showcase shopping ads are an excellent option. You can select multiple related products. These will appear to the audience and serve as a great introduction to your client’s product offerings. You can also include videos in showcase shopping ads to help customers learn more about products.

Minimize purchase barriers

Minimizing purchase barriers has little to do with PPC and more with ensuring your client’s sales funnel and website operate correctly. But it matters because you don’t want all the traffic generated from your PPC advertisements to be unfruitful.

It’s crucial to understand that online holiday shopping has come leaps and bounds because people enjoy convenience. It’s also easier to open multiple websites in a browser window and check prices than to go from store to store.

This convenience also means that online shoppers have multiple options at their disposal. If your client’s website isn’t well-designed and navigable, they’ll move to the next best option and purchase products and services from there.

As a result, you’ll want to ensure your client’s website works smoothly and their online sales funnel is optimized for the best possible results. Research shows that mobile purchases contributed 40 percent of E-commerce sales on Thanksgiving last year. Hence, you’ll want to ensure your client’s website is mobile-friendly.

In addition to working on user experience on your client’s website, you’ll also want to create retargeting ads because mobile cart abandonment is extremely high. Research shows the average figure lingers around 86 percent.   

If your client’s website requires a revamp, and your agency doesn’t offer web design services, consider getting White Label Web Design services from Rocket Driver.

A woman carrying Christmas gifts

Create a Killer Holiday Season PPC Strategy with Rocket Driver

Creating an effective holiday season PPC strategy can be difficult, especially if your agency doesn’t have the expertise or resources to pull it off. However, partnering with a leading white label PPC agency like Rocket Driver can help.

Check out the industry leader’s website, You can also contact Rocket Driver to begin a fruitful white label partnership today.

Alternatively, consider treading the waters by booking a demo with Tom Lombardi, one of the founding partners. The demo will give you a 45-minute, one-on-one tour of the Rocket Driver Partnership, showing how your agency can benefit from such a partnership.

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