How to Achieve Virality on TikTok

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Social media has always been popular. However, it has skyrocketed to unprecedented heights in the past few years. Some platforms like TikTok have revolutionized the world in many ways. For instance, you’ll often hear about songs by artists receiving platinum plaques despite never having heard them. The platform has also propelled many personalities and internet stars to mainstream stardom — something most people never imagined possible.

TikTok hasn’t only affected the entertainment sphere. Everyone wants to go viral on TikTok because the visibility can help businesses, organizations, non-profits, and everyone else grow considerably.

There are multiple examples of businesses using TikTok to maximize their reach. For instance, consider the NBA. The organization runs a TikTok channel that showcases a lighter side of the organization, deviating from focusing on basketball games and allowing fans to see basketball players in a different light.

Similarly, Dunkin Donuts is another brand that has leveraged the power of TikTok to achieve its marketing objectives. The company utilized influencer marketing by partnering with one of the most famous TikTok stars, Charli D’Amelio. The partnership helped Dunkin Donuts increase application downloads by 57 percent. It also helped them boost cold brew coffee sales by over 20 percent.

TikTok is a phenomenal platform for businesses, individuals, and marketers because it has a huge built-in audience. Research shows that over 4.7 billion people use social media, and TikTok has over one billion monthly active users.

TikTok is also an excellent social media platform because it has a different demographic than other social media networking sites. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, TikTok users are considerably younger. Research shows that over 50 percent of TikTok users are between 18 and 34.

In addition, research also shows that most marketers unanimously agree that social media is one of the most effective channels for acquiring new customers and retaining existing ones. As a result, your digital marketing agency will want to leverage the power of social media platforms like TikTok to help clients achieve their marketing objectives and grow their businesses.

That’s where white label social media marketing and management services become beneficial. Many digital marketing agencies often don’t have the resources or personnel to provide complete 360-degree marketing solutions to agencies. Hence, they offer a few select services. However, partnering with a white label social media agency can help your firm utilize social media to help clients achieve their goals. Check out Rocket Driver’s social media services today to learn how the white label industry leader can help you.

Understand trends

Trends come and go, but it’s important to understand that TikTok’s algorithm heavily favors trend-driven content. Therefore, your agency will need to understand the latest trends and keep an eye on them. TikTok’s For You page is the quickest way to gauge the latest trends. You’ll notice some challenges might be extremely popular or a piece of trending audio used in every video clip.

TikTok’s algorithm promotes such trends because the more users engage with it, the more TikTok promotes videos with similar content. As a result, trending videos gain longevity and reach a broad audience.

As a result, your agency must ensure it creates trendy video content. Regularly creating compelling content can be challenging and resource-intensive. Consider getting white label content and copywriting services from Rocket Driver to create engaging videos with descriptive descriptions to perform better on the platform.

Utilize humor

Humor works well on social media platforms, and users respond favorably. There’s a reason the world’s obsessed with memes and other humorous content. It’s easily shareable, and people will often send it to groups of friends, making these videos more popular.  

Utilizing humor is also important because it lets you instantly capture the audience’s interest. Most TikTok users will only watch a video for a few seconds before skipping past it. You must ensure you’ve captured the audience’s interest. Otherwise, they’ll skip past your client’s video and watch something else. Humor is an excellent way to engage people and ensure high retention rates.

Hashtags are important

Hashtags are often divisive, but the reality is that TikTok’s algorithm uses them as ranking signals. Including hashtags in the video descriptions simplifies the process for the algorithm, allowing it to display the video to people that will respond favorably.

Ensure your agency uses the correct and relevant hashtags for content. For instance, let’s assume you’re promoting a makeup brand. You’ll want to use relevant hashtags like #eyeliners and #MUA in your video descriptions to help TikTok recommend the video to your client’s ideal target audience.

Brevity is key

TikTok’s maximum video length was fifteen seconds when the application launched. Then, the company increased it to sixty seconds. Eventually, it increased it again to three minutes. However, this year TikTok decided to increase the video length to ten minutes.

Creating ten-minute-long videos might seem like the ideal option, but it’s not. You’ll want to focus on brevity. Brevity is key because it ensures users don’t lose interest in a video and eventually move on to a new video. Think about Vine. The platform was built around six-second-long videos, and they garnered millions of views. Those videos wouldn’t be better if they were longer.

Shorter videos have also become more popular recently. That’s why platforms like Instagram and YouTube developed Reels and Shorts to compete with TikTok. In addition, creating short videos means your client’s other videos will get more views if the audience likes the content since they don’t have to invest significant viewing time.

Understand your client’s audience

TikTok has become massive. As a result, the platform now has several communities. For instance, brands like GymShark have a different target audience than Fenty. Understanding your client’s target audience is crucial because it’ll help you identify the community on TikTok. You’ll want to develop content to penetrate and appeal to that community.

 TikTok app on an iPhone

Utilize the Power of TikTok with Rocket Driver

Social media platforms like TikTok are extremely effective. Leveraging their power can help your agency attain better marketing results for clients, helping them grow to unprecedented heights. Consider getting white label marketing solutions from Rocket Driver to help your clients grow.

Check out Rocket Driver’s website today by visiting Alternatively, contact Rocket Driver today to learn about other white label offerings, like SEO and SMS marketing.

You can also book a demo with Tom Lombardi, one of the founding partners, to learn more about how a white label partnership can help your agency grow.

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